
Mechanism for Rationale Change (MRC) is a non-profit, non-government and non-religious organization. In the start January 2013, some social and human rights activists got together as group for advocating for human rights promotion and human development and started a journey for change toward a developed world where all human beings enjoy their rights without any injustice. After number of advocacy and lobbying meetings of group, finally the organization goal vision, mission, focus and objectives were scrutinized and finalized. On working different themes for one and half year, our group decided and registered the organization in Social Welfare Department (Act 1961) on 1st May 2014 under the law of Pakistan

As the schools were getting prepared to be reopen after Dec – Feb 2020 winter vacation, the COVID – 19 pandemic affected Pakistan and resulted in further closure of schools from last week of Feb 2020 to limit the spread of virus. Though it was essential to lockdown for minimizing the risk but students’ learning outcomes were compromised the large extent. In this scenario, MRC’s visionary management decided to initiate the online classes to minimize the academic learning loss of the students, as they learnt that COVID – 19 is not getting away any sooner

MRC views the community development from the holistic perspective. So in order to enable community members of a village in Union Council Hazargangi, Thesil Nall Khuzdar district to access safe drinking water, MRC reached out to a district level organization Pyar Foundation for addressing this issue. The organization helped community in repairing water source, installation of water pumping machine and repaired toilets and hygiene practices.

Having improved access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), community members, especially girls and women not only saved their hours of time which they used to spend for fetching water far flung areas but their health was also improved due to safe water and clean environment.

Promoting Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in students, especially among girls in one of the core areas of emphasis for MRC.

To this end, MRC collaborated with an innovative organization Science Fuse and carried out two programs, i.e.; Scientists for Tomorrow and Science Club. There are 35 students who benefited from the inquiry based science learning with the support of Science Fuse.

This was first time for any school in district Khuzdar, Balochistan to be engaged in practicum sessions, said Lala Rukh, CEO Science Fuse.

Students’ enthusiasm can be witnessed from the pictures posted on Science Fuse social media pages.